IVAAP™ is a subsurface data visualization platform that provides developers and product owners powerful subsurface visualization features for their digital solutions in the cloud. IVAAP enables users to search, access, display, and analyze 2D/3D G&G and petrophysical data in a single user-friendly dashboard on the web. The latest release of IVAAP 2.7 comes with various new features and significant improvements.
Highlights from this release include many advanced search and map capabilities, improved 3D widget filter dialog, new interval curves support, new date/time picker for Cross-Plot widget axis settings, and more!
Advanced Mapping Capabilities
IVAAP features support for visual-based data discovery using map-based search, and is fully integrated with ArcGIS (ESRI), allowing for the search of structured and unstructured data in a data lake or any other file repository. IVAAP supports a wide range of map formats and services like ArcGIS, GeoJSON, KML, Mapbox, Bing, WMS, and more.
With the ArcGIS integration, you can easily access all layers and details from your ArcGIS server and display them within IVAAP to enrich map-based search of well, seismic, and other subsurface data.
New features include the ability to display a dynamic metadata table for a selected object in the map (Well, Seismic, etc.).
Most layers are supported. Image services (ArcGIS Image Service Layer, Image Services Vector Layers, and WMS) and Tile services (Image Service, ArcGIS Tiled Map Service Layer, Web Tiled Layer, OpenStreetMap) are supported. Feature Services include map service (ArcGIS Feature Layer), KML, WFS, and CSV. We also provide some real-time services support like stream services (ArcGIS Stream Layer), GeoRSS, Vector Tiles (VectorTileLayer), and Bing Maps services. Two extra formats that are supported are GeoJSON and GPX.
This release includes improved search capabilities allowing search across any metadata for any user. Access to data can be restricted to read-only mode. We also made improvements to fence highlighting and access to well lists, and labels can now be saved with the dashboard.
More Themes Control
Previously, theme control within IVAAP was a bit limited. We’ve expanded the theme mechanism to all widgets so that users can customize themes with more control and options and access new updated themes.

New Image Widget
IVAAP can now display simple image files such as jpeg or png files in the image widget, align, and zoom in to show detail. This feature allows users to customize dashboards with logos or other image files needed to display.
Improvements in 3D
IVAAP’s 3D widget now supports tagging and aliases when displaying well data. We added reservoir data that can be serialized in the dashboard template. Users now have the ability to mix data with CRS and data without CRS. Another new feature is that users can apply properties to multiple or individual objects. And we’ve improved the dashboard restoration of multiple inlines, crossbones, and time slices. Finally, the 3D widget filter dialog has been redesigned.
New Features in WellLog
For WellLog, we improved the set main index support for templates, dashboards, and well switching. With this improvement, a secondary index can be used to display data into a different index and secondary indexes can be restored when opening an existing dashboard or template. An improved automatic logarithmic mode gives users the ability to add a curve to a logarithmic track. New features added to WellLog include: the ability to automatically rotate labels for lithology and a reset action where users can right-click with the option to clear their display.
New in Schematics
For the Schematics package, new features include: perforation with state definition support, the ability to customize by using a filter dialog, and the ability to use cursor tracking between Schematics and WellLog. We also improved the component selection support in the Schematics widget.
Time Series: Annotations and Perforations
We improved the ability to select a data series from the legend. The Time Series widget now features support for annotations and perforations. The tooltip now shows the index data and time.
New and Improved Line Chart
The IVAAP line chart now supports templates and data series dialog. We improved the ability to edit existing data series. Users can now flip the axis for date and time data, and the legend has been improved to show or hide the data series parent. There is also an improvement for single data sets, multi-data sets, and multi parent projects.
This release includes many more improvements to features and to the UI. For more information, check out the full release here.
Or check out int.com/ivaap for a preview of IVAAP or for more information about INT’s other data visualization products, please visit www.int.com or contact us at intinfo@int.com.