As more E&P and geoscience companies ingest data and migrate to the cloud to search and work with their data, one key piece — leveraging machine learning and processing and visualizing the results — becomes increasingly important. Join us as we show how you can connect to any machine learning or processing service to execute a complete, end-to-end workflow all in one platform, IVAAP, hosted on AWS.
Machine Learning
Machine Learning on IVAAP Subsurface Data Visualization Platform
In this example, we reconstruct well log curves using machine learning in INT’s IVAAP data visualization platform. First, we identify benchmark wells, then we identify problematic wells with missing data. Next, we create a model using our benchmark wells, validate that model, and then propagate the model to the problematic wells.
To learn more about how to use ML on IVAAP, visit
Maillance Democratizing Machine Learning and AI for Production Optimization and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Democratizing Machine Learning and AI for Production Optimization and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Maillance wanted to create high-performance predictions in a cloud-native software solution for their clients that would help them visualize the inputs and results of their hybrid machine-learning algorithms.
IVAAP 2.11 Features Map
IVAAP™: Advanced Subsurface Data Visualization for Energy
IVAAP™ is a Universal Cloud Data Visualization Platform where users can explore domain data, visualize 2D/3D G&G data (wells, seismic, horizons, surface), and perform data automation by integrating with external processing workflows and ML. View the features map for IVAAP 2.11